The simple power of an ampersand

Client - Evenflo | CD - Eric Peterson | Copywriter - Brook Long | Video Editor -Anna Nestyforenko | Photographer - Troy Word | Producer - Amanda Pellegrini
A relaunch campaign to promote our car seat stroller combo. Concepting a campaign that showcased how much this product can do and running a full shoot in Providence was amazing - but seeing the end result of the work was the best thing. I had an amazing time creating this campaign- a stressful time- but well worth it.


The shoot was one day in providence — Weather was perfection.


six second cut downs


Preemie 6s

This product is one of the few out there that can keep the littlest babies safe - a baby as small as 3 lbs. Knowing we can’t have babies that small on a photoshoot we thought of a different idea to promote this key differentiator.

Social campaigns

Cutting down our OTT wasn’t enough - we pushed for a different social media video in order to not bring fatigue to our audience